What principles and design concepts should be followed in the design of historical and cultural exhibition halls?


What principles and design concepts should be followed in the design of historical and cultural exhibition halls?

Does the historical and cultural exhibition focus on exhibition culture or ordinary history? How to find out the characteristic highlights of non-characteristic fields? Both need to be planned and weighed by designers. The design of the historical and cultural exhibition hall is similar to that of the museum, which can be divided into the front hall design and the exhibition hall design. The front hall is a part of the theme of "embellishment touch", a part of regional cultural characteristics, and a summary of the significance and display purpose of the entire exhibition hall. The design of the exhibition hall is the main body of displaying the historical and cultural characteristics of the region. It should pay attention to the regional cultural characteristics, and carry out aesthetic planning on the space layout, display equipment, display color, lighting and other aspects of the exhibition hall to ensure that all display contents and elements of the exhibition hall are coordinated with the theme of the exhibition hall.

What principles and design concepts should be followed in the design of historical and cultural exhibition halls? Theme positioning is one of the keys. Fully grasp the regional characteristics, geographical and cultural advantages, historical facts and the theme of the times, and refine the connotation of the theme of the exhibition hall. In fact, the design of exhibition content is to determine the theme of the exhibition, that is, according to existing or existing cultural books, collections and exhibits.

As the saying goes, 'one side raises one place, one person raises one culture'. Each region's history and culture has its own characteristics. The design of the exhibition hall is mainly manifested in the form of living appliances, painting and calligraphy art, classics, dialects, festival customs and other forms. It is spread around the world in the form of living appliances, painting and calligraphy art, classics, dialects, festival customs and other forms. In the process of dissemination, it is in a natural disorder. We need to determine the theme of the exhibition, The contents of the exhibition will be hidden in the exhibition.